Discussion for Upcoming 9/27 Joint Board Meeting September 18, 2018
Desired Outcomes of Joint meeting The School Board and Board of Supervisors will: Have the opportunity to talk together prior to the beginning of the budget development processes Improve understanding of the County’s debt capacity and affordability Review and discuss the FY20-FY24 CIP Amendment Year process schedule Consider our needs, opportunities, and fiscal constraints, identify ways we could move forward together to address the community capital needs while also considering the operational needs in support of our growing community Learn more about P3s and PPEAs, including what are the differences between them. Then receive a more in depth understanding as to what a PPEA is, what it authorizes, and what would be the associated necessary steps.
Draft Work Session Agenda Meeting Opening (5 minutes) Intro – What are we most proud of? (10 minutes) Discuss Key Components of County’s Adopted CIP (15 minutes) Overview and Discussion of County Debt Capacity and Affordability (30 minutes) Review FY20-FY24 CIP Development Schedule (10 minutes) Break (10 minutes) World Café Protocol to Identify ways to collectively move forward to address our county-wide CIP needs (40 minutes) P3-PPEA Opportunity (55 minutes) Meeting Wrap Up and Next Steps (5 minutes)
Key Components of adopted cip Excerpts from County’s Adopted FY19 Budget Book, page 226
Key Components of adopted cip Excerpts from County’s Adopted FY19 Budget Book, page 232
Key Projects not in adopted cip School Projects: Full funding for AHS & WAHS Redesign and Scottsville Addition Learning Space Modernization Crozet Addition Red Hill Gym Addition County Projects (Highlights): Public Safety Projects inc. evidence storage and training facilities Central Library Renovations Volunteer Fire/Rescue Facilities Maintenance Program Full implementation of results of Community Recreation Needs Assessment Future Master Plan implementation funding Potential increase in transportation/transit expenditures Water Resources (Stormwater) Program
P3 & PPEA Opportunities Public Private Partnerships (P3) Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act, 2002 (PPEA) Presentation will be given by Roger Johnson, Economic Director Developer