Workshop on Measuring the Transition from School to Labour Market Item 7.5 – Preparation of the 2016 LFS module on young people on the labour market 11 to 14 March 2013
AHM programme 2016-18 2016: Young people on the labour market 2017: Self-employment 2018: Reconciliation between work and family life
Topics relevant for EU policies Drop-outs and low-skilled young people; high-skilled people School-to-work transitions Skills and geographical mismatches Segmented labour markets
Module 2016 – young people on the LM Context Partial success of the previous 2009 AHM Demand for high-quality data Task force set in place, with 8 countries, DG EAC, DG EMPL, CEDEFOP + Eurostat First meeting in February 2013
Use of panels for measuring some aspects of the transition LFS panel for transition instead of retrospective questions in ad-hoc module Longitudinal panel of the EU survey used for Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)
Structure Three dimensions initially considered: educational background obstacles in finding jobs mismatches between job and skills Outcome after the first meeting: 3 sub-modules career strategies job fit
Issues related to the measurement of skills mismatch Subjective measure Skills resulting from education and work experience Different perspectives for different groups Remarks: From an individual point of view Possible for over-qualification (Bologna report see item 7.3) Possible approach: learned profession compared to current job
Target group and main concepts Educational background Time of leaving education (drop-out included) Vocational component Career strategies Specific steps taken (work, new skills, competences) Specific strategies (mobility, job search methods) Job fit Job (dis)satisfaction Motivation for change
Work ahead New TF meeting in April List of variables and questionnaire Testing in several countries in autumn-winter 2013 Final TF meeting in spring 2014 Endorsement by the European Statistical Committee Variables published in a EU Regulation
Annex: Variable on over-qualification proposed for the 2014 Module OVERQUAL – Over-qualified for job Qualifications and skills of the person would allow more demanding tasks than current job Respondents: all persons in employment Yes/No variable Proposed question: Considering your educational level, experience and skills, do you feel over-qualified for your current main job? With over-qualified is meant that the qualifications and skills of the person would allow him/her more demanding tasks than the current job