Bienvenue! Open House 2015
Notre classe... Bienvenue à notre classe Welcome to our class
Qui suis-je? Carmela Lostumbo B.A. - French M.A. - Bilingual Education C.A.S - Educational Technology (pursuing) 13th year at TMS – 18th year teaching Fairfield University
Materials Cahier Pen/Pencil Positive attitude to learn French!
8th grade year… We continue to learn and work on communicating with familiar topics, social interactions, understand main ideas when reading
8th grade units of study Life in the city Responsible Consumerism (contemporary life) Responsible Consumerism (science and technology) Health and Wellness Heros and Heroines (personal and public identities)
Infinite Campus Check daily homework Grades posted Attendance
Infinite Campus New student’s parents should have received information when they registered their child for school. Those letters had parent username information for IC.
Infinite Campus Did not set up your account? Do not have your letter? Need technical help? Please contact central office by email
Infinite Campus User friendly tabs GRQDNG
Teacher Website Homework posted Great links to help with grammar Study guides PowerPoints
Internet Wallwisher Edmodo
Contact Info. Extra Help lunch, before/after School Email : Phone: 203.255.8336