The National Children’s Rights programme ORC Performance Status Report: April - November 2005
ORC Strategic Objective To Provide Leadership in the Development, Application and Management of the National Children’s Rights Programme
Key Result Area To drive the contribution of the National Children’s Rights Programme in processes that aim to realise a prosperous SA
Strategic Objectives 1. Strengthening of Strategic Management for Organisational Cohesion: Broad Performance Milestones to Date Development of tools and systems for effective mainstreaming of a child centred governance approach, ie; M/streaming Operational F/work Policy Analysis Operational F/work Advocacy Operational Framework CR M&E Operational F/work Operational Framework for the coordination of Integrated Policy Implementation
2. Improvement of Management, Access & Sharing of Information: Performance Milestones Popularisation of the revised “National CR Coordination Framework” Sharing of information and performance tools with ORCs and Departmental CR Focal Points Technical support to the Principals in their responses to Parliament and other questions
3. Coordination, M&E, & Communication of Gov 3. Coordination, M&E, & Communication of Gov. Policies & Programmes: Perf. Milestones Communication of the revised role of the ORC to component parts of the National Children’s Rights Programme Mainstreaming of CR indicators in the Government Wide Indicators Framework
4. Nation Building to Give Impetus to the People’s Contract: Performance Milestones Participation of children from rural and poor communities in national, Regional and international children’s rights processes Restructuring of the NACCR CBOs access to CR information meetings Popularised national symbols to instill a sense of national identity & pride among CR Initiation of a process to explore reasons behind the “wave” of violence against CR in SA
5. Enhancement of Integrated Action for Accelerated S/Delivery: Performance Milestones Annual sectoral performance evaluation of, and planning for the National Children’s Rights Program Inter-sectoral planning for ECD, VCSA and Child Labour
6. Support, Develop & Consolidate Initiatives for a Better Africa & a Better World: Performance Milestones Initiation of SADC countries collaboration on CR issues Facilitation of the AU participation in Regional Global CR initiatives Contribution to the UN Global Study on Violence Against Children Compilation of the Global Study & CRC Reports for the UN
7. Enhancement of the Development of a Dev 7. Enhancement of the Development of a Dev. State for Accelerated Econ Growth – Underpinned by integration of the 2nd Economy: Perf. Milestones Initiation of a process that aims to shift vulnerable children in SA from the constraint of the 2nd economy, to opportunities presented by the development infrastructure of the 1st economy
Mainstreaming: Strategic Objective Strategic Objectives of Core Functions, Performance Milestones: April 05 to Date, Challenges and Proposed improvement strategies Mainstreaming: Strategic Objective “To ensure a governance approach that affirms the principle that “child survival, protection, development and participation is central to national development and economic prosperity”
2. Performance Milestones: April 05 to Date CR Mainstreaming, M&E, Coordination and Reporting Operational Frameworks” “Introductory Workshop to CR mainstreaming, M&E & policy analysis in Government Mobilisation of Municipalities participation in national, Regional and international CR processes Agreement on a calendar of activities with the Joint Portfolio Committee for Children & People with Disabilities
Policy Analysis 1. Strategic Objective “To determine the responsiveness of national policies to the human rights of children – with the intention to inform policy formulation, planning, programming, implementation, funding and communication processes in Government”
Advocacy 1. Strategic Objective “To engage in action that will draw attention to an important issue or problem - and through mainstreaming – direct decision making towards a solution”
2. Performance Milestones: April 05 to Date Operational Frameworks for CR Mainstreaming, Policy Analysis, Coordination of Integrated Policy Implementation, Advocacy, Capacity Building and M&E Completion of the national Sub Regional UN Global Study Consultation process Initiation of a public/private partnership for the advancement of CR (NCRC)
Monitoring & Evaluation Strategic Objective To improve the performance of Government’s children’s rights delivery systems and quality outputs – by providing 1) an early warning signal and 2) mechanisms to respond speedily to problems as they arise
Coordination Of Integrated Policy Implementation 1. Strategic Objective Coordination of inter-sectoral collaboration to enhance an integrated child rights approach to governance, and to accelerate service delivery
2. Performance Milestones: April 2005 to Date Mainstreaming of children’s rights indicators into the Government wide indicators Framework Partnership with Stats SA to refine the Children’s Rights M&E Template Progress reports from Provinces re awards given to winning schools in the “Children’s Rights & Responsibilities Competition”
Envisaged Achievements: End of March 2006 Completed & approved mainstreaming operational guide for Provincial & Local Gov. ORCS/Focal Points in Depts. Mainstreaming of sectoral CR indicators into the Gov. Wide M&E Framework Agreement with FOSAD on institutional arrangements for CR mainstreaming into governance processes Agreement with DGs on improvements in the ORCS in GP, NW, FS, and EC. “National Policy Framework for the Advancement & Coordination of CR Delivery in SA
Envisaged Achievements Continued: Agreement on elements of a policy analysis framework in the ORC Agreed Mainstreaming, Policy Analysis, Advocacy, Coordination, Capacity Building, & M&E Operational Frameworks Submission of two CR reports to the UN 1st National CR Advisory Council Meeting Approved UNICEF &GOSA Protocol and CR Delivery Collaboration Agreement Agreement on national plans for ECD & VCSA
Performance Challenges Inadequate competencies in Government for children’s rights mainstreaming, policy analysis, M&E, and coordination of integrated policy implementation Inappropriate location of CR Focal Points in Government Departments Slow progression towards the establishment of ORCs in the offices of Mayors Slow progression in Government towards integrated delivery on the Constitutional Mandate ORC structures in Gauteng, N. Province, E. Cape, and Free State
Governance & Administration: Milestones Annual Sectoral Performance Evaluation & Planning Meeting Commencement of a process to establish ORCS in the offices in Local Gov. structures GDC representation in DG Clusters Operationalisation of a plan to familiarise and update the Principals, Parliament Portfolio Committees, Civil Society - & children on the work of the National Children’s Rights Programme
Collaboration Between GDC Performance Milestones Finalised GDC Report Representation of GDC issues in FOSAD Initiation of a process that aims to establish a common understanding of GDC mainstreaming in Government A plan to annually communicate GDC operational plans and progress in Government
Strategic Objectives: 2006/07 These will be finalised at the annual sectoral CR planning meeting in March 2006
Office on the Rights of the Child: The Presidency THANK YOU