PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 SUBJECT Date: 23 September 2010 Loc: Rm 50 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 6 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 3 &4 PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 STANDARD 1.0 I want you to show me what you have learned in 5th grade. Explain how to compare and order positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers. 7.F. You should be able to read a topographic map and know how to make one. You also should be able to identify the symbols found on a map and make a simple model of the earth. 1.0 I want you to be able to solve problems that involve fractions. LEARNING OBJECTIVE I want you to learn techniques in Problem solving and how to use your Math book. I want you to be able to explain what latitude and longitude means and how to use it to determine location on Earth. Explain how topographic maps show changes in elevation. I want you to tell me what a fraction is and how it is used. Use your Cornell notes to show me what you have learned. AGENDA Check homework assignments. Review all Do Now Activities. Present your Do Now Activities in small group. Technology Day 3-minute assessment DO NOW ACTIVITY Share your ruler and time tables chart with your study buddy. Make sure they are accurate. Share your quick map with your study buddy. See if the map is accurate and improve it if you can. Put your study buddy’s chair on it. Do a quick write and tell me all the electronic things you know how to use. What can you do best in technology? HOMEWORK Make Cornell notes and tell me what are positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers. Copy pages 72 and 73. Do not circle the answers until we take the test on Friday. You do not have to draw the pictures. You can photo copy pages. Go to the library or at your house and find a book you would like to read in class tomorrow. You can also pick a book from class library. TEST Cornell Notes Taking Test Chapter 1 Standards Assessment on page 72 and 73. Cornell notes taking test on Thursday. EXTRA CREDIT Type something interesting that you know how to do in Math on the Alpha Smart and download it on to the computer by Thursday. Do this in your small group. Make the Model and Invent on page 64 or 65. You can also make a map of the neighborhood showing your house and school and other important features. Make sure to use map symbols on page 56. Write and information paper using Cornell notes and tell me what is the Pirate College Academy. Best work in rows will be posted on bulletin boards.