Managing Emotions Biblically Discontent, Self-Pity, and Despair
I. Discontent Definitions 1. Dictionary Definition - Discontent Not satisfied with what one is or has Wanting more or different A restless desire or craving for something one does not have.
I. Discontent Definitions Biblical Description – Covetousness “An inordinate desire to have more than what God has seen fit to give us.” – Lou Priolo
I. Discontent Explanation of Covetousness Covetousness is the inordinate and sinful desire to have the things that we are convinced will satisfy us or make us happy. The Bible makes it clear that the love of temporal pleasures will damage us.
I. Discontent Biblical Solution – Contentment Contentment comes from delighting in God more than anything. Contentment thanks God in all circumstances instead of complaining.
I. Discontent We will have to learn how to be content. Contentment focuses on stewardship, not ownership. Contentment focuses on investing in eternally important things.
II. Self-Pity Definitions – Self-Pity The act or state of pitying oneself, especially in an exaggerated or self-indulgent manner Thinking sympathetically or sorrowfully about your own suffering, distress, or misfortune, often leading you to find relief or aid from your distress
II. Self-Pity Definitions Biblical Description – Lover of Self The Bible calls those who focus inordinately on themselves and their comfort lovers of self, which leads to boasting, arrogance, and lack of self-control.
II. Self-Pity Explanation of Self-Love A love of self will lead to a prideful life lived with a self-focus. A person with a self-focus will hate anything that is hard.
II. Self-Pity Biblical Solution – Humility God speaks about the self-diminishing purposes of suffering. God teaches us to see His humbling purpose in the middle of our pain. Contentment allows you to adjust your own desires to fit God’s purpose and conditions.
III. Despair Definitions – Despair The loss of hope; hopelessness To lose, give up, or be without hope
III. Despair Definitions Biblical Description – Despair / Hopelessness We are reminded that our weaknesses showcase the greatness of God’s power.
III. Despair Explanation of Hopelessness Despair and hopelessness are the result of believing lies about God and how he operates in our world. Possible causes for despair: Unrelenting Suffering Personal Failure False Hopes
III. Despair Biblical Solution – Hope and Trust God will never give us more difficulty than we will be able to handle through his strength and empowering.
III. Despair Our greatest need has been provided for through the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross. Because we are able to trust Christ in salvation, we are also able to trust Christ in our trouble. There are real reasons to trust God.
IV. Practical Steps for Growth Retrain your “Fancy” to be more in line with Scripture. Work hard to be aware of your own covetousness. Ask God to give you a greater love for Him than any other person or thing. Look for reasons to be thankful.
IV. Practical Steps for Growth Remind yourself that your greatest needs will never be met by any temporal thing. Train yourself to think correctly about the way that God deals with you.
IV. Practical Steps for Growth Train yourself to need only the “true” temporal necessities….food, clothing, and shelter. Work to develop the spiritual quality of endurance and perseverance, especially when life is hard. Learn to ask for and graciously receive the help of God and others.