Warm-Up This warm-up requires focus Warm-Up This warm-up requires focus. Please come in, have a seat, and begin. If you have your headphones in and you’re working before the tardy bell rings, you may listen to your own music as you number. (No texting or you will have to put your phone and music away.) RIGHT NOW: Begin to number your composition book in the upper right corner like this.
When you finish numbering: Write your name on your composition book like the pictures below.
Next Set up your Table of Contents like this: Use the already printed red lines and a ruler to help you divide your Table of Contents. You will write “date” in the left column “Table of Contents” in the middle column “page #” in the right column Stop at page 10
Throughout the year, your Table of Contents will start to look like this.
Look and listen as you title specific pages. Title pages 11 and 12, “What We’ve Read This Year” Title the last 5 pages (10, including front/back) “Reading Vocabulary Glossary” Title page 13 “Linear Plot” Title page 14 “Nonlinear Plot”
Glue it in the center of the “Linear Plot” Page Fold your plot diagram into a tri-fold and put glue on the back of the closed tri-fold: Glue it in the center of the “Linear Plot” Page
Glue your plot diagram sideways on the center of the “Linear Plot” Page
Put glue on the back of your nonlinear plot foldable (the side with your name). Then, glue it in the center of page 14.
Add “What we’ve read this year,” “Linear Plot,” and “Nonlinear Plot” to your Table of Contents.