Thursday, April 4, 2019
Breakfast is served each morning in the hallway outside the IMC. Cafeteria Menu
Hot Ham & Cheese on a Pretzel Bun Thursday, April 4 Hot Ham & Cheese on a Pretzel Bun Baked Beans Pears Cafeteria Menu
Friday, April 5 Assorted Pizza Spinach Peaches Cafeteria Menu
Homework Clubs 6th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays IMC 7th Grade Homework Club Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Room 202 or Room 217 8th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays Room 209
Digits Academy Monday through Thursday Room 212 Please sign up on the sheet posted outside Room 212.
Meeting Thursday, April 4 After School – Room 112 World Language Club Meeting Thursday, April 4 After School – Room 112
You must have a completed physical to participate. Flag Football Club Mondays & Wednesdays After School Gym You must have a completed physical to participate.
Reminder: Your Rockin’ at the Ridge Passport is due in the Counseling Office on Thursday, April 4. If your passport has been misplaced, there are extras in the Counselors’ Office. Rockin’ at the Ridge
Requirements: Rockin’ at the Ridge Element #1- Exceptional Student Character- less than 10 discipline points Element #2- Academic Success- maintain an average of 77 and above for EACH class for marking period 1,2,3 Element #3- Student Involvement- ACTIVE member/ participant in at least ONE school. sport or community activity Element #4- Community Service- at least 4 hours of community service during marking periods 1,2 or 3 Element #5- Attendance- no more than 12 UNEXCUSED absences during marking periods 1,2,3 Rockin’ at the Ridge
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Consiglio or Mrs. DeFranco. On the back of the passport, write your club, sport or activity and signature of coach or instructor and write your community service activities, dates, hours and supervising adult signature. Hope to see you at our Rockin' @ the Ridge spectacular event on Wednesday, May 29th from 1-2:45 PM. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Consiglio or Mrs. DeFranco. Rockin’ at the Ridge
World Language Club Soccer Tournament April 9 – April 16 $5 Participation Fee Anyone interested in participating or staying after to watch the tournament should see Frau Berry in Room 112 to obtain a form. Forms must be handed in to Frau Berry by Friday, April 5.
Purchase tickets during lunch or at the door. Tickets are now on sale! Show Dates: April 11 – 13 Tickets: $7 Purchase tickets during lunch or at the door.
Please bring a water bottle. Track Club Meeting Thursday, April 4 Room 104 – After School Please bring a water bottle. You must have an approved physical to participate.
Please bring your lunch and folder. Peer Leaders Meeting Monday, April 8 Period 6 Room 202 Please bring your lunch and folder.
Attention: 8th Grade Students The 8th Grade Hershey Park Permission Slip and Payment of $75 are due by Wednesday, April 10th. Please see Mrs. Reilly or Ms. Doyon if you have any questions.
Look for this Pop-Up Notification when your laptop is ready for pick-up from the Tech Center!