Nuclear Visions Cell Volume 104, Issue 5, Pages 631-634 (March 2001) Alan P. Wolffe, Jeffrey C. Hansen Cell Volume 104, Issue 5, Pages 631-634 (March 2001) DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00257-4
Figure 1 The Nucleus Is Compartmentalized Territorial integrity is defined not only through the volume occupied by a chromosome, but also by the volume within the nucleus that the chromosome moves through. A “fixed” chromosomal compartment is indicated together with two chromosomes (red and blue) contributing to this compartment. Differentiated structures within the chromosomes are indicated by the ellipsoids. These structures could be telomeres, close to the nuclear envelope, centromeres or transcription/replication factories within the internal nuclear volume. The attached chromatin moves through overlapping space indicated by pink and light blue, respectively, where that space is unique and purple where the space overlaps Cell 2001 104, 631-634DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00257-4)
Figure 2 Chromatin Structural Components Including Transcription Activators and Repressors, Coactivators and Corepressors, Histones and RNA Polymerase Are Subject to Continual Exchange from Existing Functional Compartments and Structures This exchange provides opportunity for these diverse components to be modified by signal transduction and cell cycle–dependent pathways. All of these exchange processes are influenced by chromatin modification state that is itself subject to local and global change in response to signal transduction pathways. The GR activates transcription from the MMTV LTR through a hit-and-run mechanism. Histone H1 and HP1 can repress transcription of specific genes, yet continually exchange from the chromatin infrastructure Cell 2001 104, 631-634DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00257-4)