Data Summary for Pupil Premium 2016-2017 Data Summary for Pupil Premium
KS2 2016-17: attainment Reading 48% of pupils achieved the expected standard (below LA and National (23% 2016) LA: 65% National: 71% Writing 58% achieved the expected standard (below LA and National) (53% 2016) LA: 70% National: 76% Maths 54% of pupils achieved the expected standard (below LA and National) (33% 2016) LA: 72% National: 75% Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 67% of pupils achieved the expected standard (below LA and National) (57% 2016) LA: 77% National: 77%
Reading,Writing and Maths combined: 38% (17% 2016) Below National: 61% Progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 2016 2017 Reading: -6.0 -3.1 Writing: -3.5 -3.0 Maths: - 5.2 -4.8 2017 Floor Standard is 65% combined (The same as 2016) in Reading, Writing and Maths, and/or progress of: -5 Reading, -5 Maths and -7 Writing School is now above floor standard in the progress measures. Maths is the main weakness. This is due in part to very high end of KS1 results.
% achieving age expected standard KS2 2016-17: Groups % achieving age expected standard Boys (15) Girls (16) PP (16) Non PP (15) SEND (5) Reading 47% 50% 68% 26% 0% Writing (Teacher Assessed) 53% 62% 75% 40% Maths 60% 46% 20% GPS Whilst boys and girls show similar attainment in W,R&M, there is a wide difference between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium pupils (in the favour of non-Pupil Premium).
KS2 2016-17: Groups progress measure from KS1 to KS2 Cohort Boys (15) Girls (16) PP (16) Non PP (15) SEND (5) Reading -3.1 -2.6 -2.24 -1.65 -3.3 -7.5 Writing (Teacher Assessed) -3.0 -1.2 -1.75 -2.8 -7.03 Maths -4.8 -3.7 -4.5 -5.5 -2.4 -8.2
KS1 2016-17 Reading 57% achieved the expected standard (60% 2016) L.A.: 70% National: 74% Writing 47% achieved the expected standard (53% 2016) L.A.: 61% National: 66% Maths 50% achieved the expected standard (67% 2016) L.A.: 67% National: 73% GPS (not published) 56% achieved the expected standard (50% 2016) 2017 figures are below that of 2016. This is due to a more rigorous moderation process, and reflects a more accurate picture.
% achieving the expected standard KS1 2016-17: Groups % achieving the expected standard Boys (14) Girls (16) PP (11) Non PP (19) SEND (2) Reading 53% 60% 27% 73% 0% Writing 33% 9% 68% Maths 46% 63% 50% In contrast to KS2, Pupil Premium children in KS1 have performed significantly below their Pupil Premium peers.