1 MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES AUTHORITY COLLABORATE INNOVATE SERVE Michigan Local Government Benchmarking Consortium Conference: Benchmarking for Success Lansing, Michigan December 3, 2013
2 New Public-Private Partnership Access to Best Practices Serves at the Request of Local Communities Innovative Solutions for Local Governments Making a Difference for our Communities, our State, and our Citizens ABOUT THE MMSA COLLABORATE INNOVATE SERVE
3 To deliver high quality shared services and functions to participating cities, villages, townships, counties, and districts; providing them with innovative solutions to collaborate, lower costs, and enhance services to their citizens. OUR MISSION
4 To revolutionize the delivery of services and functions by local governments across the state through access to best practices and shared services in order to contain costs, manage resources, and enhance the quality of life in their communities. OUR VISION
5 Integrity To do the right thing even when no one is looking. Trust Inspire confidence and performance. Innovation Embrace change, seek continuous improvement. Collaboration Encourage teamwork, input, and communication. Service Provide best in class service in all endeavors. Inclusion Respect the input of everyone, seek out input. Honor Be guided by a high sense of ethics. OUR CORE VALUES
6 The MMSA is a separate legal entity formed through an Interlocal Agreement between Grand Rapids and Livonia. The MMSA is authorized to: enter into contracts; share costs and responsibilities; transfer functions and responsibilities; cooperate; and lend its credit in connection with any publicly owned undertaking. The Interlocal Agreement may be amended to include additional participants. The MMSA may provide services and functions to participants under express written consents and agreements. Participants are not financially obligated or required to provide services through the MMSA or transfer functions to the MMSA. GOVERNANCE AND FORMATION
7 Key Initiatives: First Half 2009 GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION Founding Members Members possessing full corporate membership status including voting membership on the Authority Board and/or Executive Committee Associate Members Members wishing to utilize the services and functions of the MMSA Authority Board Executive Committee CEO Members/Stakeholders MMSA Staff
8 THE ROAD AHEAD Key Activities
9 Michigan Municipal Services Authority (MMSA) Shared Services Solutions Other Shared Services and Functions The Virtual Health and Wellness Marketplace Financial Management System / Enterprise Solutions Best Practices SHARED SERVICES SOLUTIONS
10 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE SYSTEM – REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The RFP was distributed September 16 th soliciting qualified proposals for software and services to implement the financial management and human resources software system (FMS) Issued by the City of Grand Rapids, on behalf of the MMSA and other local government organizations (Kent County, Warren, Detroit, and Romulus) The RFP was developed using the Best Practices Report and a needs assessment process Includes System Specifications for eighteen module areas Proposals were received on October 30, 2013; Vendor selection early 2014
11 FMS – KEY SPECIFICATIONS AND MODULES Financial Management General Ledger Bank Reconciliation Cash Management Accounts Payable Debt Management Fixed Assets Project Accounting Grant Accounting Investment Management Payroll Miscellaneous Billings/ Accounts Receivable Procurement, Logistics and Asset Management Purchasing Capital Asset Management Fleet Management* Real Estate/Facilities Management* Human Resources Resource Management Recruitment* Personnel Administration Compensation Performance Management Scheduling Time & Attendance Training and Events* Other Services & Functions Water & Sewer* Document Imaging* City Income Taxes* Property Assessment* * Possible future modules
12 The Virtual Health and Wellness Marketplace Organizational Concept and Structure Various Insurance Providers MMSA Lead Consultant / PM Contract Administrator / Enrollment Systems Provider Health & Wellness Consultant Michigan Local Units of Governments (Townships, Cities, Municipalities, Districts, Counties)
13 VIRTUAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS MARKETPLACE MMSA is working with local units of government to improve and enhance employee benefits and the enrollment process Implementing an online enrollment and eligibility system as part of Phase One of the VHWM The system will allow active and retired employees to manage their benefit changes online on a central system; a customer service center is available to facilitate the process System implementation completed; Open enrollment closed
14 KEY ACTIVITIES Focus on our key projects: Financial Management System/Enterprise Solutions and the Virtual Health and Wellness Marketplace RFP and Vendor and Product Selection for FMS/ES Project/Online Enrollment and Eligibility timelines Awareness: Establish key partnerships for success and broaden outreach efforts with other local units of government Next shared service projects?
15 MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES AUTHORITY COLLABORATE INNOVATE SERVE Delivering Value Based Services and Functions to Michigan Communities