Pro-Se Court Secession
Directions Step One: Discuss the answers you have on your “Did the South Have the Right” sheet 4 minutes
Directions Step Three: Divide into three groups Red White Blue
Step Four: (5 minutes) Directions Discuss topics in each group White: Red: Discuss the top 3-5 arguments why the South had the right to secede. Everyone needs to write them down on the bottom of their paper White: Discuss the top 3-5 arguments for South did NOT have the right to secede Everyone needs to write them down on the bottom of their paper Blue: You will be the judges- write down 3-5 questions you might ask each side Everyone needs to write them down on the bottom of their paper
Directions Step Five: Divide into Groups of Three, with one member from each of the following groups Red White Blue
Step Six: Directions Red: will have one minute to argue their side White: Will have one minute to argue their side Blue: Will have one minute to ask questions of each side
Step Seven: Directions BLUE- will stand and decide which side they think won the “mini” debate Must say why