8th Grade U.S. History Student Information Sheet and Contract 2015-2016 Students Name: _______________________________________________ Home Phone:_________________________________________________ Parent/Guardians name:_______________________________________ Cell Phone Number:___________ Work Phone Number:_____________ Email Address:________________________________________________ Parent/Guardians Name:______________________________________ Email Address:_______________________________________________ What do you consider your child's strengths? In what area would you like to see academic growth? How much time do you expect your student to spend on assignments and projects outside of school each school day? Does this change for Weekends? More on the back
8th Grade U.S. History Student Information Sheet and Contract 2014-2015 Are there any factors that seem to interfere with your students learning? If so how do you think we can work together to remove that barrier? What are some of your child's interests and hobbies? Is there anything else you would like me to know about your child? \ Student & Parent Acknowledgment Statement We have reviewed the syllabus given. By signing below, we understand the expectations, procedures, and grading policies in Mrs. Ware’s classroom and will abide by these accordingly. (additional details are on the class website: www.Waresms.weebly.com) We understand that the student will be held responsible for his/her actions during this class and understand the consequences that he/she may receive by making choices that will affect his/her learning. Student Signature _________________________________ Date ____________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Date ____________ RETURN THIS PAGE TO MRS. WARE NO LATER THAN Tuesday , SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 (for a grade)