Tuesday January 27, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – American Government OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT: - Identify key foundations and characteristics of the American government system. AGENDA: WARM-UP: Universal-College Journal ASSESSMENT: Foundations Quiz VOTE: “Best Looking” Newspaper Bonus CONGRESSIONAL VOTE: Exam Assistance Program CURRENT EVENT ARTICLES: Free Community College Universal-College Journal WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 minutes*** Write a paragraph journal entry answering the question below. President Obama has announced several times earlier this month, including at his State Of The Union Address, that he would like to see a program making the first 2 years of Community College free to any student wanting to go, with some stipulations. What do you think about this idea? Do you like or dislike it? Why or Why not?
CONGRESSIONAL VOTE: Exam Assistance Program PROPOSED BILL: Currently, there are still a number of individuals who have not yet purchased the end of the year Final Exam. This proposal is for an assistance program to assist those who have not yet purchased the Final to be able to do so. PROPOSAL: 2% increase in taxes for each tax bracket 40% of all tax revenue will be redistributed to individuals yet to pay for the Final Exam A “Yes” vote will begin the Exam Assistance Program A “No” vote will keep everything they way it currently is
LIST OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE PAID FOR THE FINAL Stephanie C. Justina C. Alicia C. Raul C. Jasmien G. Jose G. Kim H. Maria J. Zach J. Lupe L. Maria M. Juli N. Caitlin P. Sylvia R. Armando S. Ashley S. Angelina V. Stephanie W.
LIST OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE PAID FOR THE FINAL Tino A. Cristian C. Illene C. Lucy F. Casidy J. Jennifer L. Alicia M. Lili O. Jaskaran S. Ricky V. Perla V. Brandon V.
LIST OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE PAID FOR THE FINAL Rafael A. Gabriella B. Cristian C. Tristan D. Maria F. Alexis G. Leo M. Caleb M. Andrew M. Victor P. Cynthia S. Elizabeth S. Miranda S. Kyndall S. Manuel Z.
LIST OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE PAID FOR THE FINAL Mariela A. Jennifer C. Megan G. Sam G. Denice G. Kim M. Julio P. Mario P. Jeff W. Marco P. Cecilia P. Edgar P. Ricardo P. Paulina R. Bryan R. Jorge R. Priscilla T. Stephanie V. Jonathan W.
_______________________ BALLOT Representative/Senator Name: _________________________ _______________________ _____ YES _____ NO
CURRENT EVENTS/ISSUES: Universal-College Movement Read the article with your partner. Create a list of Pros & Cons based on the points the author makes. PROS CONS EXIT TICKET: Write a paragraph in which you agree or disagree with at least 2 of the authors points. Did your opinion change at all from the time you wrote your journal to now?