Congress in Action Chapter 12
Opening Day The House: Must swear in all the members, appoint support staff, adopt term rules. The Senate: Newly elected are sworn in, vacancies on committees filled---usually short and routine.
State of the Union Once both houses are organized, they inform the President that they are ready for special instruction. Within a few weeks, he gives the annual address. It is a report on the state of the nation and is considered a major political event.
Presiding Officers of Congress Speaker of the House: chosen by majority party. Duty is to preside and keep order. Second in line for the presidency. President of the Senate: Is the Vice president. Only votes to break a tie.
President Pro Tempore Serves in the absence of the vice president. Elected by the majority party. Third in line for the presidency.
The Floor Leaders Each party has a leader(majority and minority leader). They are mainly legislative strategists. Floor leaders are assisted by whips. Job is to serve as go-betweens and rally support.
Committees Most work is done in committees. Some are more prominent than others. Chairmen of committees are chosen by seniority rule Majority party always has the majority of seats on committees.