Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) 5/17/2019 Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Earned Value Management System Trish Mast July 10, 2007
EVMS Development ANSI/EIA-748-A Standard for Earned Value Management Systems Organization Planning, Scheduling and Budgeting Accounting Considerations Analysis and Management Reports Revisions and Data Management EVMS Surveillance
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) EVMS Organization Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) WBS Level Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 LINAC COHERENT LIGHT SOURCE (TPC) LCLS PROJECT - PED & CONSTRUCTION 01 LCLS PROJECT MGMT, PLANNING & ADMN (TEC) 02 INJECTOR SYSTEM 03 LINAC SYSTEM System Management & Integration Linac Controls & Power Conversion Subsystem Linac Magnets & Supports 04 Linac Vacuum Subsystem Linac Beamline Vacuum System BC1 Vacuum System BC2 Vacuum System 05 Linac to Undulator (LTU) Vacuum System 06 Dumpline Vacuum System
EVMS Organization Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)
EVMS Organization Responsibility Assignment Matrix
Detailed Cost Estimate Report (DCE)
Budget and Funding Analysis
Milestone Hierarchy Defined Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 Milestones Level 1 controlled by DOE HQ Level 2 controlled by DOE Stanford Site Office Level 3 controlled by LCLS Project Director/Deputy Project Director Level 4 controlled by System Manager Level 1-3 Milestones are under formal configuration control.
Work Authorization
Resource Loaded Schedules
Integrated Schedules
CPR Drilldown (Level 2)
CPR Drilldown (Level 3)
CPR Drilldown (CA Level)
CPR Drilldown (Milestone Level)
CPR Drilldown (Labor Detail)
CPR Drilldown (Cost Detail)
Variance Analysis Form
Detailed Cost Estimate Report (DCE)
Obligation Report (OSCUM)
Milestone Dictionary
WBS Dictionary
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
Corrective Action Log
CCB Log of Proposed BCRs
BCR Form
Approval Thresholds
Surveillance Continuous self assessment is performed by the project director/deputy project director, and project controls personnel, who are trained in the correct use of the LCLS EVMS, and are held accountable for proper implementation. Jerry O’Hearn from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will review and provide an independent assessment of the compliance of the LCLS Project’s Earned Value Management System on a bi-annual basis. LCLS 1.1-024 Surveillance of EVMS
EVMS Compliance Review 4 Major Corrective Actions Requests (CARs): 2 Accounting System CARs Indirect Rates are not updated Lack of Written Procedures for Indirect Cost 2 PMCS CARs Baseline Change Documentation and Change Process Work Authorization Documentation 4 Minor Corrective Action Requests (CARs): 1 Accounting System CAR Direct Costs not Recorded Consistent with Budgets 3 PMCS CARs Adequacy of Variance Analysis Reports Performance Measurement Baseline Scheduling 1 Continuous Improvement Opportunity (CIO): 1 PMCS CIO Appropriate Control Account Levels