Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Comparable With Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Retroperitoneal Metastasis in Patients With Testicular Cancer? 


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Presentation transcript:

Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Comparable With Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Retroperitoneal Metastasis in Patients With Testicular Cancer?  Hong Kuan Kok, MBBCh, MRCPI, MRCP(UK), Sum Leong, MBBCh, MRCSI, FFRRCSI, William C. Torreggiani, MBBCh, FFRRCSI, FRCR  Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal  Volume 65, Issue 3, Pages 196-198 (August 2014) DOI: 10.1016/j.carj.2013.05.005 Copyright © 2014 Canadian Association of Radiologists Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome) literature search strategy constructed by using medical subject headings. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2014 65, 196-198DOI: (10.1016/j.carj.2013.05.005) Copyright © 2014 Canadian Association of Radiologists Terms and Conditions