LEAD LIKE JAMES (Acts 15: 1 – 21) Which James? Brother of John, son of Zebedee? Died (Acts 12: 2) Son of Alphaeus? Another of the 12 (Mark 3: 16 – 19) ‘James, the Lord’s brother’ (Gal. 1:18, 19)
1. JAMES AND JESUS Brothers and sisters of Jesus (Matt. 13: 55 & 56) Did not believe in Him (John 7:5) Resurrection appearance – ‘then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles’ (1 Cor. 15: 7) With the disciples and Mary before Pentecost (Acts 1: 14) ‘A servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ’ (James 1: 1)
2. JAMES AND JERUSALEM Soon became head of the Jerusalem church Acts 12: 17 Acts 21: 19 Gal. 1:19 Gal. 2: 9 Acts 15 The base of Jewish Christianity.
3. JAMES THE JUST (Acts 15: 1 – 21) Here we see the leadership of James in effective action CONSIDERATION (13 – 18) What God has said in Scripture (Amos 9: 11, 12) What God has done in mission CONVICTION (19) He shares his conclusion and recommendation with clarity CONCESSION (20 & 21) Aware of the difficulty of Jewish believers to accept the conclusion Recommendations to encourage harmony among all Christians. CONSENSUS (22 & 28) Agreement reached and accepted as leading of the Spirit COMMUNICATION (22 – 32) Confusion is often caused by poor communication. A written letter plus a personal visit by trusted leaders.
LEAD LIKE JAMES A changed man; a humble man; a wise man; a respected man TRUTH AND GRACE FAITH AND WORKS (His letter)