Gods Story part 3 Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

Gods Story part 3 Questions

Birth of Jesus Which miracles do you see around the birth of Jesus? Do these miracles make the story more believable or less believable to you? Would there really be a story without the miracles?

Call of Jesus Can you name any ancient prophecies that were fulfilled at the birth/beginning of Jesus’ life John the Baptiser pointed to Jesus and said: “Look, the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world”. What does it mean?

The ministry of Jesus - the Kingdom of God   John and Jesus both said at the start of their “ministry” (the public way in which they serve the community – a minister is a servant): The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel. See: Matthew 3: 1-3, Isaiah 40: 3-5 See: Matthew 4: 17 What does it mean? Try to rephrase the announcement in your own words.