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“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Ben Franklin PAF 101 Module 1, Lecture 3 “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Ben Franklin
Class Agenda Announcements Introduce TA’s Module 1 Advice Skills WIN! Assignment for next class
Class Rules No CELL PHONES or TEXTING During Lectures, use of laptops for PAF 101 purposes ONLY – MUST SIT IN FRONT ROW OF GROUP If you are late (after 12:45) you lose 5 points from your module STARTING WEDNESDAY
Meet your TA’s Listen for Helpful Hints You can visit any TA’s office hours, but you can only email your TA regarding your module paper. You cannot email your TA less than 24 hours before a module is due.
YOU MUST… E-mail your TA by 8 pm on 9/9 or lose 5 points!!!!
Office hours See any TA during office hours before Module One due date (9/16) Get a receipt from a TA Staple behind grade sheet of Module One or lose 5 points Office hours are in MAX 113. Hours are on the PAF 101 website and on the door
Competition Points Winners Losers 9/2/2016 Group # Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Competition Points Winners Losers 9/2/2016
Intro to Module 1 Paper Module 1 is due at 12:45 on 9/16. 5 point deduction if five minutes late up to 4:30. 10 points for every day after that.
Exercise 1.1-1.5 Overview Do one a night Read Maxwell Manual carefully Articles, editorials or blogs must be affiliated with a real newspaper –print or electronically published within the last six months FOLLOW DIRECTIONS Policies in 1.2 and 1.3 can be existing or proposed http://classes.maxwell.syr.edu/paf101/Module_1.html
Cover Sheet and Scoring Each Module has a similar cover sheet Module 1 = 125 points 75 points for exercises 1-5 50 for Team Policy Exercise (TPE) explained in next class Lose points off the top for Late Paper (5 first day, 10 everyday after) Writing (up to 10 points) Organization (up to 5 points) Participation (5 points per absence, lateness, immaturity)
Skills Win! Exercise Skill Set 1: Taking Responsibility Skill Set 2: Developing Physical Skills 1.1 requires you to go to the Skills Win! Assessment. Answer honestly!
Module One Exercises 1.1-1.5 1.1-1.4 require research, thinking and writing Answer the question with as little ink as possible Pay attention to detail Do the reference page while you do the module! 1.5 is APA references. It’s a killer. Note: Look at course packet and read through modules
Article Attachment Guidelines Must be printed directly from webpage NO LOOSE ARTICLES – must be stapled, taped, or glued to a piece of paper directly after the exercise Hand write exercise number (and letter, if applicable) on article printout Articles must be dated within past six months (No earlier than 3/1/2016) Don’t include formatting guidelines
Don’t Plagiarize! Any direct quote must be in quotation marks with an internal citation Failure to do so results in a zero for your paper
For Next Class Start Module One paper and read chapter one in the Maxwell Manual Send an e-mail to your TA by 8 PM Friday 9/9 or lose 5 points Review the TPE Exercise Instructions in Module 1 downloads and bring printed copy to class.