Sigmund Freud: Dream, Mind, and Unconscious English 102 Professor Yegoryan Ivan tokarev Hovhannes poturyan
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Born in Austria in 1856 Became qualified as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1881 Known as the “father of psychoanalysis” One of the first psychologists to study human motivation Brought out the debate of Psychiatry vs. Psychology Died in London in 1939 at the age of 83
Freud-believed that mental illness is a result of nurture, not nature. He asked the question: “What makes people do things?” Answer: MOTIVATION Needs motivate human behavior (food, shelter, clothing…)
Freud’s View of Human Nature Deterministic behavior is determined by: Unconscious, irrational motivations The six psychosexual stages Biological and instinctual drives Libido: the life/sex instinct, goal of life is to gain pleasure and avoid pain (pleasure principle) Thanatos: the death instinct, the aggressive drive to hurt self or others Neurotic behaviors are symptoms of the unconscious’s attempt to control the intolerable urges of sex and aggression
Id, Ego, and Superego People are born with a certain number of instincts or drives Also known as “Human instinctive behavior” The human mind has 3 aspects of which influence behavior
Id, Ego, and Superego (cont.) The id (pleasure principle) Strives to satisfy desires and reduce inner tension The ego (the reality principle) Solves problems by planning and weighing of pros & cons The Superego (the conscience) Constrains individual action through internalized social norms & moral forces
Id, Ego, and Superego (cont.) Id-unconscious part of the mind Primitive parts of our personality that include aggression and sexual drives Ego-conscious part of the mind Decides what action to take for positive means and do what’s believed the right thing Superego-unconscious part of the mind that acts as our conscience; reminds us of what we should do
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, compared the human mind to an iceberg. The tip above the water represents consciousness, and the vast region below the surface symbolizes the unconscious mind. Of Freud’s three basic personality structures—id, ego, and superego—only the id is totally unconscious.
Id vs. Ego The Id & Superego are in constant conflict Your drive tells you to do one thing, while society tells you to do something else If the conflict between the Id and Ego isn’t resolved, you may experience unhappiness or mental distress To resolve, you must uncover what is in your unconscious memory
Resolution Free association Hypnosis Dreams Use ink blot pictures to trigger unconscious memories Hypnosis Use to open up vivid details of the past Dreams They’re the unconscious mind talking Driver-means you feel in control of your life Passenger-someone else is in control of your life
Dream Interpretation Falling Staircase, ladder Water Tooth removal Anxiety Sexual intercourse Birth, mother Castration Crime Bedwetting Father Women Falling Staircase, ladder Water Tooth removal Left (direction) Fire Robber Room, table with food