Researchers Have a Lot To Say About Wikis
What the research says “Wiki’s are a flexible collaborative communication tool for developing content-specific Web sites. Because wikis grow and evolve as a direct result of people adding material to the site, they can address a variety of pedagogical needs—student involvement, group activities, and so on. Since wikis reside on the Internet, students can access and participate from any location, provided they have Internet access.” (Educase, 2005)
Database Created By Many Wiki’s allow for students and faculty to collaborate on many activities that might not be possible in the classroom due to lack of technology resources. They are more flexible then traditional teaching methods. This flexibility encourages students and faculty to explore the use of technology in many aspects of the learning community.
Why Are Wiki’s Important? Wikis are open-ended and provide opportunities for a collaborative group site. Wiki’s are: A composition system A discussion medium A repository A mail system A tool for collaboration Users are both authors and editors Contributions can be organized and edited easily
Some Fundamental Principles Wiki’s are geared toward educators. Using either the protected public or the private wiki with a password, you can write as easily on a wiki as on the chalkboard. Contributors selected by the wiki administrator can add pages, upload files, and edit content through the use of a password. Any changes made to the wiki are automatically generated in an email format to the wiki administrator. Educators can create a syllabus online in minutes and share it immediately. Through the use of tagging, users can quickly locate specific information without browsing the SideBar. The uses and possibilities of this free, online medium are endless.
Utilize the Power “Wikis are particularly useful in education because they are easy to use, accessible, and allow students to collaborate on projects both in and outside of class.” (Oatman, 2005) Andy Carvin, head of the Digital Divide Network, says, “Wikis show that all of us have an equal opportunity to contribute to knowledge.” The Digital Divide Network is an online community of educators and policy makers who are seeking ways to narrow the gap between the Internet haves and have-nots.
Be a Superstar in Your School “If you show media specialists what a wiki is, I think they’ll fly with it,” says Michael Stephens, the special projects librarian at the St. Joseph County Public Library in South Bend, IN, and a consultant on digital tools. “The school librarian who gets it and starts doing it and showing people how to do it—that person will be a superstar.” (Oatman, 2005)
How can you “sell” wikis to your colleagues as a worth while endeavor? Do you feel wikis provide equal opportunities to contribute to knowledge? If so, how? If not, why not? How can you “sell” wikis to your colleagues as a worth while endeavor?