Chippewa P.S. Balanced Day Presentation Launch Chippewa P.S. Balanced Day Presentation
What is a balanced school day? FUNKY TUNES What is a balanced school day?
What is a balanced School Day? The balanced school day is an organizational change within the school day. The school day start time and end time remain the same (9:00 and 3:30). The changes occur during the school day where the learning environment is designed to better meet the needs of the learners.
Traditional vs. Balanced Day Traditional Day Balanced Day
Why switch to a balanced day? FUNKY TUNES Why switch to a balanced day?
There are many benefits to a balanced day schedule Instructional Time Benefits (The time spent teaching with students in class) A balanced day re-organizes the learning blocks into larger blocks of learning time. e.g. Balanced Day – 100, 120 and 80 minute blocks = 300 minutes Traditional Day – 80 , 70, 80, 70 minute blocks = 300 minutes Within these larger blocks of time, periods can still be broken down into smaller chunks. There is greater flexibility though (e.g. Math and Science combination in one block; Integrating Literacy with Social Studies; Large blocks of time for Visual Arts).
Maximizing Instructional Time (con’d) Less time wasted getting ready for recess and coming in for recess = more instructional time for students Research and Assessment estimates schools gain between 20-30 minutes because of the improvements with transitions. Would create 7 x 40 minute periods for students instead of 6 x 40 minute periods. This results in gains between 12 – 18 school days per year in saved time because of this. Currently, our students spend considerable time “eating snacks” during instructional time before or after recess. This wouldn’t happen as students would have time to eat during the breaks.
Nutrition and Recreation Break Times
Yard Safety Some students currently have significant challenges coping with the 40 minutes outdoors of unstructured play resulting in behavioural/discipline issues. Several schools report a decrease in yard issues after moving to a balanced day schedule. Same level of staff supervision exists on the yard Reduced exposure to sun on hot days Having designated nutritional break times reduces the amount of food and waste on our yard outside. Allows for the possibility to divide the school in half (e.g. half the school eats at one time/other half is outside and then they switch). Is beneficial in larger schools.
Snacks and Meals during Nutrition Break Re-organizes snack time into two larger 20 minute nutritional breaks to eat lunch. Eliminates the need to eat food during instructional blocks (learning time). Ensures students have ample time to eat and aren’t rushing as they do now before or after recess during class time. Students need more frequent food breaks for optimal health; improved concentration and focus. Parents new to balanced day, often express some frustration not knowing how to pack for balanced day. We can help with that …..
Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. McDowall will explain Strategies to pack effective lunches Handouts for parents on how to pack effective lunches will be distributed to families.
What would it look like at Chippewa? FUNKY TUNES What would it look like at Chippewa?
Balanced Day Timetable
How do we get Balanced Day at our school next year? FUNKY TUNES
The Process Had ongoing conversations with staff and school council since October 2018. Conduct a community survey. Each family gets one vote. Voting forms are to be returned by Friday April 12th. Parents can vote YES or NO to balanced day. Need to get 75 % of forms returned with 67% of the returned forms indicating YES in order to move forward. Submit the recommendation to move forward or not move forward based on the survey results. If we move forward, we would pilot the process for one year during the 2019- 20 school year. Another vote would take place next spring to continue/not continue.
Additional Benefits
FUNKY TUNES Questions?
Survey Due back by April 11th
Prizes! - lunch bags - books - bookmarks - sour keys FUNKY TUNES
On behalf of the Chippewa P.S. staff Launch FUNKY TUNES BOFFIN Thank You On behalf of the Chippewa P.S. staff Mr. Bonello