9 th Annual AMICAL Meeting & Conference, Sharjah, UAE The Value of Library and Information Services: Sharing Data and Assessing Impact. Stella Asderi, Librarian, Liza Vachtsevanou, Paraprofessional librarian,
INFORMATION LITERACY RESULTS Fall (3 sections) – Spring (1 section)
Can we be based just on the grading of the sessions, or do we need to consider other factors as well? EVALUATING INFORMATION LITERACY EFFECTIVENESS
149 syllabi were examined SYLLABUS RESEARCH RESULTS
102 students responded DATABASE SURVEY % 18.6% 29.4% 19.6% 14.7% 4.9% 2.0%
DATABASE SURVEY 38.2%35.3% 17.6% 12.7% 11.8% 6.9% 4.9%
DATABASE SURVEY 59.8% 40.2% 14.7% 11.8%10.8% 8.8% 2.0%
DATABASE SURVEY 41.2%37.3% 28.4% 19.6%18.6% 14.7%
20 faculty members responded (52,6%) LIBRARY LIAISON SURVEY 2012 Yes (60%) No (40%) Notification for scheduling library sessions
LIBRARY LIAISON SURVEY Usefulness of sessions Yourself 150% Students 100% Personal Orientation 16,7% Class Instruction 58,3% Scheduled already
LIBRARY LIAISON SURVEY Positive 65% Scheduling sessions in future Satisfaction Rate Scale: 1-5 n=7, Mean 4,29
LIBRARY LIAISON SURVEY 100% 71,4% 57,1% 42,8% 28,6%
LIBRARY LIAISON SURVEY 55% 50% 40% 25% 20% Potential future means of Information Literacy Instruction
Course-targeted or assignment-targeted session Should not rely only on the instructors request for a session. Schedule and organize workshops for students throughout the academic year. More hands-on workshops for students during all semesters Demonstrate to students why library sources are more valuable than a search engine like Google LIBRARY LIAISON SURVEY Comments
Evaluation Instructor Librarian Course-related sessions Sophomores Juniors Online guide CampusGuides FUTURE GOALS
Syllabi: Update of the syllabi, so as to include certain statement on library resources (in collaboration with the Provost) Theses: Examination of plagiarism percentage and quality of reference list. (review sessions accordingly) FUTURE GOALS
FUTURE GOALS 3 Library Liaison Survey to students (May 2012) Database Survey to students/faculty (September 2012) Marketing Campaign of Library Services and resources FUTURE GOALS
9 th Annual AMICAL Meeting & Conference, Sharjah, UAE The Value of Library and Information Services: Sharing Data and Assessing Impact. Stella Asderi, Librarian, Liza Vachtsevanou, Paraprofessional librarian,