What next for the EAC-EU EPA ? KFC workshop 6th June 2013 EU Delegation to Kenya
25% of Kenyan exports Sh105bmarket
Your choice EPA or GSP
MAR 01.10.2014 time is of essence
GSP unilateral tariffs "new" GSP
EPA bi-lateral DFQF comprehensive
FTAs competition tariff-erosion
Flowers Critical role in Kenya's economy 90 Flowers Critical role in Kenya's economy 90.000 workers 45B contribution to country's GDP industry continues to attract investments No 1 export to EU: 37B KShs in 2012 between 60 and 70% of Kenya's flower production 125,000 tons growing export potential
Further info. - DG TRADE http://ec. europa Further info? - DG TRADE http://ec.europa.eu/trade/ - EU DEL http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/kenya/index_en.htm Thank you