Preterite of ir Preview Preterite of ir Adónde with ir Ir a + infinitive
Preterite of ir To say where someone went at a certain time in the past, use ir (to go) in the preterite. Its preterite forms are irregular. yo fui nosotros(as) fuimos tú fuiste vosotros(as) fuisteis Ud., él, ella fue Uds., ellos, ellas fueron
Adónde with ir Remember to use adónde to ask where someone went. ¿Adónde fuiste ayer? Where did you go yesterday? Fui al cine. I went to the movies.
Ir a + infinitive Use a + infinitive after ir to say why someone went somewhere. Fuimos a la librería a comprar libros. We went to the bookstore to buy books.