Iowa’s Strategic plan to modernize services for sexual and domestic abuse victims
The background: The programs Iowa Attorney General’s Crime Victim Assistance Division (CVAD) administers state and federal funds to victim service providers. Currently there are 28 domestic abuse programs, most of whom have a shelter. Currently there are 28 sexual abuse programs, 25 are part of domestic abuse programs, i.e. they are “dual programs”.
The Background: The Funding Over the past decade, funding for victim services has been continually cut. Programs have laid off up to 25% of their staff. Numerous outreach offices, programming, and some agencies have closed. In FY 2013, an additional $1 million was cut. The AG’s office was able to cover the loss (temporarily) by moving monies from the Crime Victim Compensation Fund.
The background: facing the issue head on Summer 2012, CVAD staff approached IowaCASA and ICADV with a plan to restructure the ways services are provided in order to: maximize the efficient use of available funds, modernize models of service, create an equitable distribution of funds across the state by population, strengthen sexual abuse service, especially to youth , and better reach underserved communities.
The BackGrOUND: expertise and INPUT IowaCASA and ICADV staff and membership were provided opportunities to offer feedback and suggestions as the plan took more cohesive form. CVAD staff traveled to the state to provide information to communities about the plan and get feedback. National experts were engaged to help facilitate discussion, provide input, observe, document, and study the transition to a new model.
The Background: The Iowa Legislature The legislature listened to the plan, dissected its potential impacts, and eventually provided an appropriation of 6.8 million (up from the previous year’s 2.8 million) to fund services and make the transition to the new model successful.
The Plan: Regionalized services
The Plan: Culturally specific services Monsoon, United Asian Women of Iowa – domestic abuse and sexual abuse services, Des Moines based Nisaa – African Women’s Project – domestic abuse and sexual abuse services, Des Moines based LUNA, Latinas United for a New Dawn – domestic abuse services, Des Moines based DIAA – Deaf Iowans Against Abuse – domestic abuse and sexual abuse services, Cedar Rapids based Lavender Umbrella – training on domestic abuse and sexual abuse, Ames based
The plan: rethinking domestic abuse models From shelter-based to mobile advocacy Focus on economic issues Maintaining shelters for crisis safety needs Trauma-informed care
The plan: rethinking sexual abuse models Mobile advocacy that meets clients where they are vs. office setting Focus on reaching survivors who do not utilize the criminal justice system Expanding to encompass the long term needs of survivors Expanded focus on youth/young adults Trauma-informed
Next steps: the transition Agencies shifting programming and staffing needs New policy and practice Training needs Community coalition building Public relations
But who do I call? 800-942-0333 statewide domestic abuse hotline 800-284-7821 statewide sexual assault hotline
Discussion questions What does your agency do? How can universal education fit into your daily practice? What are all the options available for DV/SA survivors in your community? Are those options available for adolescents? Are there limitations to the services that you provide that others who refer to you should know about? What kind of programming do you do that you are most excited about?