RE-CAP: Match the key words to the correct definitions A group of students who reject the values of the school. Material deprivation Cultural deprivation Self-fulfilling prophecy Streaming Anti-school subculture When a person labelled believes their label and acts accordingly. A lack of money leads to disadvantages such as a poor diet and overcrowded housing. Working class students do not have the attitudes and values for success at school. Students are in the same ability group for all subjects.
RE-CAP: Match the key words to the correct definitions A group of students who reject the values of the school. Material deprivation Cultural deprivation Self-fulfilling prophecy Streaming Anti-school subculture When a person labelled believes their label and acts accordingly. A lack of money leads to disadvantages such as a poor diet and overcrowded housing. Working class students do not have the attitudes and values for success at school. Students are in the same ability group for all subjects.
How can ethnicity affect educational achievement? Lesson Objective: To explore the reasons why some ethnic groups do better in schools than others. To evaluate the reasons why some ethnic groups underachieve.
Definition: An ethnic group is one that sees itself as culturally distinct from other grouping in a society and is seen by others as distinctive. Groups may differ from others by country of origin, language, religion, dress or other aspects of culture.
A graph of students achieving 5 A. -C GCSE (incl A graph of students achieving 5 A*-C GCSE (incl. English & Maths) grades 2005/2006
Indian and Chinese students often do extremely well and achieve better results than white students. Statistically, other ethnicities underachieve, such as Pakistani and black Caribbean students. In 2004 for example, 27% of Black and African-Caribbean boys achieved five A* – C grades at GCSE, compared with 52% of whole school population. (As a result, government set up the agenda ‘Aiming High’ to help raise the achievement of African-Caribbean pupils)
Reasons for differences in achievement between ethnic groups
Activity As we read through the sheet ‘How can ethnicity affect educational achievement?’ as a class highlight key words/points and make some notes from our class discussion.
Exam Questions for you to try Explain what is meant by ethnocentric curriculum (4) Define, Explain, Example, Criticise/compare Describe one school factor that can affect educational achievement and explain why it leads to educational success or underachievement of certain ethnicities. (5) Describe = 2 mks / Explain = 3 mks
Discuss how far sociologists would agree that a student’s ethnic background is the main reason for differences in educational achievement (12 marks) For (3) Against (3)
12 Marks Question ACTIVITY – Working in groups, plan your answer together on the planning sheet. Use the information sheet to help you.
Other influences on achievement Discuss how far sociologists would agree that a student’s ethnic background is the main reason for differences in educational achievement (12 marks) For (3) Against (3) Ethnicity influences – reasons for success/failure of students of different ethnicities. E.g. Teacher labelling Ethnocentric curriculum Institutional racism Cultural differences Language differences Other influences on achievement E.g. Social class (working class often underachieve e.g. cultural deprivation) Gender (girls often do better than boys e.g. career aspirations) Gender (boys underachieve e.g. parents’ expectations))