The Class Clown
What is a Class Clown? Continually disrupts class with wisecracks. Will do or say anything to be in the spotlight. Doesn’t know when to stop. Has a response for everything that happens. May even enjoy the attention of being corrected.
What is a Class Clown? Actually quite funny at times. May be well-liked. Bothers other students. Too busy clowning to get work done in class.
How does this effect others? Attention constantly diverted to the class clown. The class clown does not function on worthwhile activities. Others may begin imitating the class clown. Teacher often becomes upset because this student is not working up to his/her potential. The class clown keeps others from concentrating.
How does this effect others? 6. Class is either entertained or disgusted by the behavior. 7. A real danger can be presented by such behavior in open equipment classes. 8. Often, classmates resent the fact that the teacher is spending so much time with the class clown. Regaining attention is difficult because some kids linger on the class clown’s humor. 10.Creating a serious tone in the classroom is difficult.
How can we help? Pinpoint student needs being revealed. Identify causes of misbehavior. Pinpoint student needs being revealed.
Resources Curing the Class Clown Syndrone What Drives a Class Clown? The Class Clown - Peeling Back the Mask You Can Handle Them All: Class Clown