SE Disciplinary Commons 1st Meeting SE Disciplinary Commons 29th August 2009 SE Disciplinary Commons
Stated Goals of the Disciplinary Commons To document and share knowledge about teaching and student learning in software engineering courses To establish practices for the scholarship of teaching by making it public, peer-reviewed, and amenable for future use and development by other educators: creating a teaching-appropriate document of practice equivalent to the research-appropriate journal paper
Dennis’ Personal Motivation I’ve always felt: Software Engineering was the forgotten part of CS sandwiched in the middle without thought to it’s relationship to other CS subjects Software Engineering is undervalued and underrepresented in CS degrees I care about teaching (in my blood) Feel the need to improve my teaching (and the teaching of others) Find it difficult to adopt other’s materials and want to change that
Dennis’ Personal Goals To learn from you Informing my own practice Reinforcing my strengths Addressing weaknesses Think / learn about sharing practice Publish this work with you
Disciplinary Commons History Josh Tenenberg and Sally Fincher jointly devised the Disciplinary Commons model US itp Disciplinary Commons (JT) Introductory programming in Tacoma, WA region CC to Univ. UK itp Disciplinary Commons (SAF) Introduction to programming in UK Univ. UK hci Disciplinary Commons (SAF) Human Computer Interaction in UK
Our Trans-Atlantic partners Two Disciplinary Commons in 2009-2010 Database Disciplinary Commons in the UK, led by Rich Cooper Software Engineering Disciplinary Commons in the US
Today’s agenda Learn about each other Learn about each other’s context Motivations Goals History Learn about each other’s context What is it like to teach in my department Course Portfolios Lunch How the Commons functions Further discussions Business / paperwork IRB consideration Homework
Just like in class … I won’t be doing all the work
What about you? Where are you coming from Why are you here Your motivations Your goals
Dennis J Bouvier, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE- 0817254 and by Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.