Research Support Services: What We Do School of Nursing
Why Does Research Support Services Exist? Purpose: to help build research capacity Goal: to increase success rate in obtaining funding to assist in completion of funded research 2
What Kinds of Services Does Research Support Services Provide? A.Grant Development B. Funded Research Project Support 3
A. Grant Development Examples: assist with locating measurement tools conduct literature search assist with locating funding sources prepare budgets and justifications review draft research proposals 4
B. Funded Research Project Support (aka Fee-For Service) Examples: start-up support data collection, management and output dissemination study coordination 5
Who Can Access These Services? A. Grant Development All School of Nursing faculty at no charge: full-time, part-time and clinical faculty Other McMaster faculty as a Fee-For-Service project B.Funded Research Project Support (Fee-For-Service) All School of Nursing faculty Other McMaster faculty External agencies 6
What Kinds of Services Does Research Support Services Not Provide? Advanced statistical analyses Any activities related to teaching (e.g., curriculum development) Common CV modules Critical appraisal or synthesis of literature Program evaluation Transcription 7
What Is the Process for Accessing These Services? See our flow charts Why Do We Need Request Forms? Accountability to School of Nursing which financially supports grant development Record-keeping Budget projections Strategic planning 8
What is a Grant Development Literature Search? We will: search literature with specific direction set up and download articles into RefMgr or RefWorks create article summary including: author, type of study, sample, design, data collection approach, key findings document search strategy 9
What Are the Advantages of Using Fee-For-Service? Eliminates hiring process (develop job description, post position, interview, check references, hire, wait for employee to start) Avoids start up activities for new employee Requires no research training: Staff can step in right away and do the job Provides access to experienced and trained staff who keep skills up-to-date Provides support for both quantitative and qualitative research Eliminates need to secure space, computer and software (e.g., SPSS, NVivo) 10
Does Research Support Services Provide Transcription? Answer: NO BUT: If Fee-For Service project is for qualitative data collection or analysis, Research Support Services could arrange and manage transcription with outside service If no Fee-For Service Agreement, Research Support Services can provide names and contact info for transcriptionists 11
For More Information 12 Contact: Susanne King Research Support Specialist and Coordinator x26899