Expository/Informational Text November 6, 2018
What is Expository/Informational Text? It is informational text (text that gives information) that explains something to the reader. Expository and informational text are ALMOST the same thing. The only difference is that expository text can include opinions. Informational text just sticks to the facts. Most of the time these two words can be used interchangeably.
Author’s Purpose in Expository/Informational? To inform
Expository Text…
Examples Include…
Informational/Expository Text Features Bold Print-any text that is heavier and darker than the rest and used to show key words or vocabulary words Example: When a caterpillar is grown, it doesn’t eat food for a while. It sheds its skin, grows a hard outer covering, and becomes a chrysalis.
Informational/Expository Text Features Italicized Print-text that is slanted and used to make a certain word or phrase stand out Example: Caterpillars are amazing insects capable of metamorphosis. Photograph-a real image captured with a camera
Photograph a real image captured with a camera
Illustration a drawing done digitally or by hand
Diagram an illustration used to point out specific parts of something
Caption a brief description accompanying an illustration or photograph After metamorphosis is complete, the butterfly emerges from its shell.
Glossary an alphabetical list of difficult terms and definitions A glossary can usually be found at the end of a book. (It sometimes can even be found at the end of an article or a chapter.)
Title a word or phrase at the beginning of a text that tells the reader what the topic is
Heading a word or phrase at the top of paragraphs, chapters, or pages which give you a clue as to what the main idea of that chunk of text is
Index an alphabetical list at the end of the book that lists important ideas, terms, places, people, and subjects in the book and the pages where these can be found
Table of Contents a listing of the chapters or articles in a text and the pages where they can be located
Sidebar an interesting fact or facts enclosed in a box and usually found along the edges of informational text