Independent Reading Make sure you are reading your book when the bell rings!! Please have homework journal out and open on your desk.
Any other Act 3, scenes 1-3 handouts to turn in?
Review the action Can you fill in all the blanks?
Discuss/ Review Act 2 Act 2 Why was the porter scene included? Why did Lady Macbeth pretend to faint? Blood Sleep Hands
Discuss/ Review Act 3 What is happening to Macbeth? Why did he feel the need to kill Banquo?
#32 Macbeth Themes 10/29 Choose one of the following topics for theme. Write about how this theme is emerging in the play so far. Include examples from the text to support your idea. What is the play saying about… Ambition Fate Good Vs. Evil Reality Vs. Deception Natural vs Supernatural Greed Guilt Karma Moral Code Temptation Violence
Act 3, Scene 4- page 252 Read.
Act 3, Scene 4- page 252 Macbeth- Austin Lady Macbeth- Micheala First Murderer- Bella Lennox- Alex Ross- Douglas Banquo’s Ghost - Angela
For Thursday… Update your charts Scene 5: Hecate’s speech. Paraphrase.
Act 3, Scene 4- page 252 Macbeth- Aamir Lady Macbeth- Angelina First Murderer- Emily Dehr Lennox- Zaniah Ross- Amina Banquo’s Ghost- Isabella
Act 3, Scene 4- page 252 Macbeth- Aiden Lady Macbeth- Addi First Murderer- Mari Lennox- Maddie Ross- Dylan Banquo’s Ghost- Gavin
Act 3, Scene 4- page 252 Macbeth- Rachel Lady Macbeth- Layla First Murderer- Arturo Lennox- Bailey Ross- Ayanna Banquo’s Ghost - Isabeta