Boxing south Africa LEGAL COMMISSION
Legal side In the end, it’s the lawyers that suffer.
Compliance and/or non-compliance The law (common law / legislation) Regulations Policies Directives / instructions
Compliance and/or non-compliance Ensure there is compliance If there is no compliance – ensure situation remedied and there is compliance
Mechanisms in place Disciplinary Committee Arbitration Tribunal
DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE Set of rules (incorporates all sorts of documents, policies etc What is misconduct or an offence – Rule 4 Consequences for misconduct or offences Where are we - numbers
ARBITRATION TRIBUNAL All other disputes of any nature Appeals from the Disciplinary Committee Disputes between or among licensees Disputes between BSA / Licensees Where are we – low numbers Good – no disputes Bad – disputes exist, but people do not know what to do or were to go
advisory Other matters of a legal nature – internal / external
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