Warm Up – March 20 Answer the following questions on a post it: List the qualifications for the following: Senator, a member of the House of Representatives, President Provide an example of a expressed power Provide an example of an implied power Provide an example of a legislative power Provide an example of a non-legislative power How can each branch of government ”check” the power of the other two branches?
Unit 4: Three branches of government Introduction to the Judicial Branch
NC General Assembly Main Responsibilities - Laws of North Carolina, known as statutes, are made by the General Assembly. Meets in regular session beginning in January of each odd-numbered year, and adjourns to reconvene the following even-numbered year for a shorter session. Senate - 50 members House of Representatives - 120 members
NC General Assembly Senate Leader - Lieutenant Governor of the State - Dan Forrest (R) – elected by the people of the State House of Representatives is presided over by a Speaker – selected by its members - Tim Moore (R) Non – Legislative Powers - the approval of the governor's appointment of certain officials, impeachment of government officials, amendments to State Constitution Majority party in both NC House and Senate - Republican
NC Governor Governor – Roy Cooper (D) – term is 4 years Lt. Governor – Dan Forrest (R) – term is 4 years Powers of the Governor – powers of appointment of executive branch officials, judges, members of boards and commissions, veto power, head of the Council of State NC Cabinet – 10 Departments - Administration, Commerce, Environmental Quality, Health and Human Services, Information Technology, Military and Veteran Affairs, Natural and Cultural Resources, Public Safety, Revenue, Transportation Main Duties: preparing and presenting the state budget to the General Assembly
State Legislative and Executive Branches Review Answer the following questions the handout comparing Federal and State Legislative and Executive Branches: 1. What is the Council of State? group of popularly elected executive offices 2. How does the Council of State differ from the state executive departments? Cabinet is appointed by the Governor 3. Why do the executive departments for the state differ slightly from federal executive departments? States have different interests and needs 4. What are largest similarities between the state and federal executive branches? 5. What are the biggest differences between the state and federal executive branches?
What are the duties of the judicial branch? Interpreting laws-what laws apply to certain situations Settling legal disputes Punishing violators of the law Ensure the accused have due process of law Protect individual rights
State v. Federal Court Jurisdiction - The courts authority to hear a case. Answers the question: What cases go to what court? The state courts hear cases involving violations of state law. The federal courts hear cases involving federal law. This is called jurisdiction….all courts have jurisdiction of some kind.
Original Jurisdiction The court’s authority to hear cases for the first time. Example - District Court (state or federal)-all cases start at district court therefore they have original jurisdiction They determine if a person is guilty or innocent thru a jury trial
Appellate Jurisdiction The court’s authority to review cases. Example-Court of Appeals and Supreme Courts-they only review cases to determine if the lower court made the right decision.
Concurrent Jurisdiction Cases that can be heard by both the two or more court systems Example: Michael Vick was tried in convicted in Virginia State and Federal Court
What cases do Federal Courts always have Jurisdiction? Cases involving violations of the U.S. Constitution Cases between citizens of different states if the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000
TOD - March 20 Answer the following questions on a post it: 1. What are the duties of the Judicial Branch? 2. What is the definition of jurisdiction? 3. Describe the 3 types of jurisdiction 4. In what cases does the federal court always have jurisdiction? 5. Why is jurisdiction important to the operation of the courts? 6. Explain how federalism impacts the court systems