Rules & Guidelines Qiraat and Hifz Categories The participants competing in the Qiraat categories will be asked to randomly select a question from the question box. Participants in the Hifz category will be asked to select an envelope which will contain the questions. In the Hifz and Qira’at categories, the judges will be testing the participants # 1 on their memorization of the Qur’an, # 2 on the rules of Tajweed, # 3 and their tone. Islamic Foundation Of Toronto Hifz, Naazira & Qira’atul Qur’an C O M P E T I T I O N
Rules & Guidelines Qiraat and Hifz Categories The marking system for both categories will be as follows: ½ mark will be deducted for each time the participant is unable to read fluently 1 mark will be deducted for any Hifz errors that are corrected by the participant himself after being informed by the Questioner by the ringing of the bell 2 marks will be deducted if the Questioner has to correct the mistake Islamic Foundation Of Toronto Hifz, Naazira & Qira’atul Qur’an C O M P E T I T I O N
Rules & Guidelines If a participant makes more than 3 Hifz mistakes in a question, which the Questioner has to correct, the participant will fail that question. The Questioner will ring the bell to bring any Hifz mistakes to the participant’s attention. For Tajweed errors, the bell will not ring but the Judges will mark the mistakes on the mark sheet. Islamic Foundation Of Toronto Hifz, Naazira & Qira’atul Qur’an C O M P E T I T I O N