Carers Services in Hounslow
Five organisations have come together to deliver support Hounslow carers : The Alzheimers Society Crossroads West London Integrated Neurological Services Ealing Mencap Richmond AID.
In partnership we aim to: Meet the needs of carers Promote dignity, self-respect and individuality Offer choice and meet needs Promote social inclusion and promote health and wellbeing Help people maintain their independence and safety Ensure services are provided in a timely and responsive way Provide opportunities for you and your carer to influence the development and delivery of services
Carers Outreach Service
Ongoing Support for Carers Named Worker Consider YOUR needs for your caring role Offer you space to talk about your own needs the skills, strengths and resources you bring to your caring role looking after your own health and wellbeing making time for a life of your own. Support you through the health and social care system, ensuring you are involved and included in care planning for the person you care for and signpost you to services that can support you in your caring role Carers Outreach Service
Training Injury Prevention – including back care and handling Fit Club – 6 week programme First Aid – British Red Cross Carers Outreach Service
Courses Caring with Confidence Taking Back Control Support Groups Carers Outreach Service
Counselling – up to 8 individual sessions Employment - support for carers that are in work and carers that want to get into work, paid or voluntary. Carers Outreach Service
Carers Rights Crossroads Care West London Carers Rights Service
Carers Rights Have been providing Carers Rights Services Since 2007 We believe that each carer should be Recognised, Valued and Supported We look at all aspects of your caring role and we work with other organisations to ensure that you receive the most appropriate support
Carers Rights Information Advice and Advocacy on a wide range of subjects including: benefits and form filling, Community Care, Carers Assessments and the Carers Register Information on Housing and adaptations Caring and employment, education and training Support with primary care services, debt, short breaks, young carer issues We support carers of any age and any condition.
Short Breaks Crossroads Care West London
Dementia Café – Every 2 weeks at the Paul Robeson Café in the Treaty Centre Singing for the Brain – fun, stimulating Singing for the Brain® sessions
Working together to improve the quality of life of Hounslow carers