Overview Purpose Eligibility Time Limits Rules
Purpose PTDY authorizes servicemembers time away from their assigned duties to assist with transition activities such as job and house hunting. Time away from work authorized by the commanding officer in order to assist transitioning member with job and house hunting
Who are eligible for PTDY? Involuntary Discharge or Release (under honorable conditions) Retirees (including Fleet Reserves and TDRL/PDRL) Discharge for Medical Reasons (certain conditions apply; may be eligible upon receipt of orders) Involuntary: (HYT; PFA; Failure to select; etc). All retirees. Discharge for medical reason (has to be involuntary because not all medical reasons are involuntary). Temporary and Permanent Disability Retirement List
Time Limits Involuntary Separated: 10 days Retired: 20 days Members stationed (OCONUS) may receive an additional 10 days PTDY depending on whether a round trip will be made or not
OCONUS/CONUS Rules CONUS members who have legal domiciles OCONUS and plan to return to the OCONUS state after involuntary separation or retirement may be authorized up to a total of 30 days transition PTDY. Note: CONUS members who don’t plan on returning to their OCONUS domicile after involuntary separation or retirement may only receive a maximum of 20 days transition PTDY authorization. Domicile is defined as a member’s • home of record, • place from which called or ordered to active duty, • place of first enlistment, or • place of permanent legal residence. The additional 10 days are to allow round trip travel to/from overseas locations and still provide adequate time for job/house hunting.
PTDY Rules PTDY may not be combined with liberty weekends, special liberty, or holidays for the purpose of extending job/house hunting activities PTDY may be taken in conjunction with chargeable leave at no cost to the government. Can be taken in increments Because it’ll basically extend your TAD period. Usually recommend for members to take PTDY in conjunction of their terminal leave so they won’t have to come back. NSIPS PSD As part of the PSD checklist, if a member is entitled to PTDY for separation/retirement, member will need to provide either a special request chit or a no-cost TAD order.
What is excess leave? Excess Leave is a period during which the Service member is not entitled to pay and allowances. Only Sailors separating with an SPD code that grants transition benefits have the option of requesting 30 days excess leave in lieu of PTDY. Not available to retirees and only available to involuntary separating members under honorable conditions So basically a no-pay status; therefore, entitlement to pay and allowances and leave accrual stops on the first day of excess leave. COs should not grant excess leave to members especially when they’re separating because it will put them in an overpayment status. Excess leave should only be used for emergency cases ***Excess leave should not be recommended except in the rarest cases because a Sailor on excess leave is not in a duty status and will not receive pay!*** Servicemember may request excess leave or PTDY, but not both.
Resources DoD Instruction 1327.06 (leave and Liberty policy and procedures) MILPERSMAN 1050-120 (Separation Leave) MILPERSMAN 7220-330 (Checkage Of Pay For Excess Leave) MILPERSMAN 1050-010 (Leave Policy) PSD Admin Office