Best Practices for Chairing a DiP… …A Non-Traditional Format at the Doctoral Level
Lynn University Ross College of Education Welcome and Introduction: By: Kelly A. Burlison, Ed.D and Jennifer J. Lesh, Ph.D Lynn University Ross College of Education
Today’s agenda: Overview of Lynn University’s Ed.D. program Best practices Testimonials iPad apps and other technology Collaborative carousel - TodaysMeet
Lynn University: Ed.D Scholarly Practitioners Connect Research & Practice Lead High Performing Organizations Using Shared Research to Design Solutions Collaborate on a Common Theme Incorporate Cutting Edge Technology into Final Products
Lynn University Apple Distinguished Ranked among top technology/innovative universities 3 Year program Meets one weekend per month (Fri., Sat., & Sun.) Full-time and adjunct faculty 11 cohorts: 54 current students (cohorts 6-10) Students receive iPad mini iTunesU LiveText Adheres to Dissertation in Practice (DiP) Handbook
Four (4) Doctoral Student Outcomes Will engage students on a common theme using shared research to design solutions. Will incorporate modern technology in final products. Will connect theory and practice through product-based dissertations. Will align CPED principals throughout DiPs
Four Best Practices To Share or Not to Share? Product or Traditional? Smarter or Harder? To Chair or Not to Chair?
Best Practice #1: To Share or Not to Share?
To Share or Not to Share? Provide opportunities for students to investigate problems in: social justice, equity, ethics, finding their common ground and passion.
To Share or Not to Share? “At some point in some class, we talked about possible ideas we were considering; I had some ideas and I knew Tom had something similar.” -Amy, Second Year Doctoral Student
To Share or Not to Share? “The professors encouraged us to have conversations. We invited Barbara later. Other people asked each other and recruited talents that they needed.” - Maria, Second Year Doctoral Student
To Share or Not to Share? “During the first couple of classes, professors used assignments to explore different topics. We were required to start an annotated bibliography related to dissertation topics- which helps narrow the focus.” -Tim, First Year Doctoral Student
To Share or Not To Share? “ As we discussed research in our courses, we talked with other students and fleshed out our ideas.” “This helped us find similar interests and to know their skill sets.” -Jeff, First Year Doctoral Student
Best Practice #2: Product or Traditional?
Product or Traditional? “Both! You need a traditional for all the research to find out if there is a problem….so the product is the solution to the problem.” “What is the point of doing all this research without a problem, without a solution? You need both traditional and product!” -Max, Third Year Doctoral Student
Product or Traditional? “We choose a product, which is a work in progress with our chair, and the final product changes several times.” – Bill, Third Year Doctoral Student
Product or Traditional? “The product still requires writing, for example a literature review, executive summary, two publishable articles” - Sam, Second Year Doctoral Student
Product or Traditional? ”If you do choose a product, make sure that there is truly a product you could produce that would be of assistance to a school and/or district!” - Kahlid, Third Year Doctoral Student
Product or Traditional? “The Dissertation in Practice is why I chose Lynn. As a practitioner, the DiP is more relevant that the dissertation.” – LaKisha, First Year Doctoral Student
Product or Traditional? “The beauty of the DiP is that it allows for so much more interpretation and innovation than a standard five chapter dissertation. It’s not just about researching and rewording it’s about creating based on solid research and practice and improving upon practice.” - Jovana, First Year Doctoral Student
Best Practice #3: Smarter or Harder?
Smarter or Harder? “Pick a topic about which you are passionate, because it is a long process!” Stacey - Second Year Doctoral Student
Smarter or Harder? “Be sure to use Goggle Docs, iCloud, or Popplet; it makes collaboration much easier.” – Juan, First Year Doctoral Student
Smarter or Harder? “Google Docs are a MUST!” “Time management also is a MUST!” “Keep your work/life balance in check!” “Continually remind yourself in the END it will all be worth it!” -Andy, Second Year Doctoral Student
Best Practice #4: Chair or Not to Chair?
To Chair or Not Chair? “Professors chair meetings are quarterly.” “Know the focus of the university’s mission and vision. Is it clear?” “Student have an understanding of the process.” “Know how the university incorporates the 6 CPED principles.” “Talk about interests.” – Dr. Joe Melita, Adjunct Faculty Chair
To Chair or Not Chair? “The group needs to get along or else it will be a huge mess.” “Communication with your chair needs to be working like a production line or a marriage between the two.” -Jesse, Third Year Doctoral Student
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Best Practice Collaborative Carousel through TodaysMeet!
TodaysMeet #1 To Share or Not to Share What are your best practices? What conversations occur when deciding Traditional vs non-traditional? Examples of DiPs? Other comments?
TodaysMeet #2 Product or Traditional What are your best practices? What are your conversations when deciding Product or Traditional? Examples of Product? Examples of combining both? Other comments?
TodaysMeet #3 Smarter or Harder How do you steer students to work smarter not harder? How do you incorporate the The Six Working Principles for the Professional Practice Doctorate in Education? How do you have students configure chapters? What do your students do with their final product? Other comments?
TodaysMeet #4 Chair or Not to Chair How do you select Chairs? Do you have specific timelines? Do you have specific procedures? What kind of communication is established? How are the Critical Friends or committee members designated? Other comments?
Lynn University Contact Information: Dr. Kelly A. Burlison: Phone: 561-237-7046 Dr. Jennifer J. Lesh: Phone: 561-237-7082 twitter@LRE4Life