Workshop 1B Making information society a reality in the regions Networking in action: How to transfer eGovernment applications Rocío RUBIO CENTENO PIKE Project Coordinator European Commission Conference Centre "Charlemagne" Rue de la Loi 170 B-1040 Brussels
Promoting Innovation and the Knowledge Economy PIKE Promoting Innovation and the Knowledge Economy Aim To improve Innovation & Knowledge Economy Policies through the transfer of good practices and through the integration of these good practices into the mainstream SF programmes Objectives To transfer eGov and Wireless Broadband good practice pilots and tools To share the identified good practices and to develop an Action Plan to transfer them into the Mainstream SF programmes To disseminate information about the project to a large audience Budget €1,665,523 75% funding rate Funding programme INTERREG IVC Type Capitalisation – FAST TRACK Duration 2 years (Jul’2008 – Jun’2010) Partners: 10
Project partners ERNACT (Lead partner) Donegal County Council (IE) Derry City Council (UK) Galway County Council (IE) Cantabria Regional Development Agency (ES) ALA Vasternorrland (SE) Bologna Municipality (IT) Olomouc Regional Authority (CZ) Agency for Regional Development and Innovations (BG) Region of Sterea Ellada (GR)
PIKE partners
Project background ERNACT network 6 of the 10 partners cooperated in previous INTERREG IIIC – BRISE project AIM: identify ICT initiatives that would help overcome disparities Partners became aware of other regions’ good practices and interested in getting them transferred INTERREG IVC Capitalisation projects: ideal mechanism
4 Good Practices Wireless broadband Derry City Council eGovernment Wireless Cities eGovernment Donegal County Council Online Planning Services Cantabria Regional Development Agency Integrated Aid System (IAS) eGovernment services (eLOCAL
Shared Services Centre GOOD PRACTICES Shared Services Centre SIGETRIM ElectronicSignature Virtual Flights Web Page
Documenting & presenting the GPs TOOLS Exchange of experiences Ensuring implementation under the ROPs Documenting & presenting the GPs Transferring the GPs Event Local Workshops with bodies responsible for OP Good Practice Transfer Pack Study visits Document Good Practice Transfer workshop Presentation to ROP MC Good Practice Transfer Roadmap Regional Action Plan Launch Action Plan Communication & dissemination Conferences Press releases Brochure Newsletter GP Handbooks Website
METHODOLOGY Local Workshop 1 Good Practice Transfer Pack Good Practice Documenting & presenting the GPs Transferring the GPs Ensuring implementation under the ROPs Local Workshop 1 Good Practice Transfer Pack Good Practice Transfer workshop Event Document GP Transfer Roadmap Local Workshop 2 Study visits Action Plan Local Workshop 3 Presentation to ROP MC Regional Action Plan Launch
Role of the network “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Facilitate the coming together of two sets of regions with different degrees of development Well designed methodology Mentoring and support function Peer-review of all documents Identical process replicated in 9 regions
Challenges & Opportunities Documenting and transferring the GPs taking into account different local contexts MA commitment to Action Plans Transfer a successful GP: save time and money learn from what others have already done Avoid mistakes Developing a permanent mechanism for transferring regional development GP into mainstream SF programmes
Contact information Rocío RUBIO CENTENO ERNACT EEIG Unit 2, 2nd Floor Park House Ballyraine Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland +353.7491.68212