HRWG - Meeting 7th and 8th May 2007, Berlin Looking for potential cooperation partners
2007-2008 Workprogram on public employment in OECD (GOV) Report on performance based arrangements for very senior civil servants in OECD countries Report on the political administrative boundary in OECD member countries Report on delegated pay determination in OECD countries Report on sequencing management reforms in OECD countries Report on the management of very senior civil servants Updated quantitative and qualitative data on public employment numbers and the management of public employees OECD peer review of HRM in Belgium
2007-2008 Workprogram on public employment in OECD (GOV) Report on managing service delivery changes in the context of an ageing population Report on co-ordinating HRM policies across levels of government One or Two Peer reviews on human resource management (countries tbd) Update of the report on "The State of the Public Service"
European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Study Group 3: Public Personnel Policies Planned programme of activities 2007-2009: Major themes: HRM’s contribution to developing a new sector professionalism Leadership in and of the public sector Developing colloborative leadership in the new system of governance Activities focusing on providing contributions to EGPA Annual Conferences and publications For more information see: