SI Service Structures to meet the demands of the SEND reforms (not an exact science…) David Couch – East Sussex
Control, Influence and …
Choice and Control Personalisation SEND Reforms - EHCP (0 - 25) Local Offer Personal Budgets Personalisation
SEND Reforms - unpacked Education, Health and Care Plan
SEND Reforms - unpacked Education, Health and Care Plan Differs from a statement in that parents have a greater say. Includes contributions from Health and Social Care. Focuses on OUTCOMES rather than PROVISION.
SEND Reforms - unpacked Local Offer Provides information for Parents on what is available for their child within the Local Authority. “The Local Offer aims to put all the information on what is available in the Local Authority in one, easily accessible, place.”
SEND Reforms - unpacked Personal Budgets “For the first time ever, parents will be given the power to control personal budgets for their children with severe, profound or multiple health and learning difficulties” Disaggregated, or free to decide?
SEND Reforms - unpacked Personal Budgets (or Individual Budgets?) Where the child reaches the threshold for Social Care Respite, parents will be offered a budget determined by a RAS.
SEND Reforms - unpacked Personalisation – Choice and Control Statements – a collection of views EHCP – a collaboration of views
SEND Reforms - unpacked Outcomes:
SEND Reforms - unpacked Outcomes:
SEND Reforms - unpacked Outcomes: Will be able to travel to school independently by 30th June 2014 And to achieve this we will need to: Provide a structured programme of mobility in collaboration with parents. And to deliver this we will need to: Commission 3 hours of mobility per week for 10 weeks.
SI Services – fit for the future? Current practice Supporting families – how? Supporting schools, settings and Colleges – how? Direct teaching – what? Assessment – when? Etc … (?)
SI Services – fit for the future! Future practice to meet the demands of the SEND Reforms. What are the new demands? What do we need not to do? What do we need to do that’s new? What service structures would best serve the new way of working? And … we don’t have any…. Ideas?
SI Services – Current Practice Service Structures (37 responses): In your LA, is the Head of Service a Head of a joint SI service, or do you have separate HI, MSI and VI services? It may also be possible that you have a Head of SEN (without a MQ in HI, MSI or VI) as Head of Service. Head of Service MQ Joint 26 (70%) Separate HI, VI & MSI MQ 5 (14%) HoS no MQ 6 (16%)
SI Services – Current Practice Service Structures (37 responses): Are your SI teachers (ToDs, QTVIs, QTMSIs) on Teacher's pay and conditions or on some other scale (e.g. Solbury, etc)? Teacher’s Pay and Conditions 37 (100%)
SI Services – Current Practice Service Structures (37 responses): Is your service currently part of a LA "restructure" and/or are staff undergoing contractual changes? If so, is this to meet the demands and requirements of the 0 - 25 agenda, or for some other reason? No change 22 (60%) SEND Agenda 6 (16%) Other 9 (24%)
SI Services – Current Practice Year round cover: All services appear to use TOIL in some form or another. Overuse? Amount of TOIL offered? Other considerations?
Workforce Development Training needs What do we need to know? Who can provide good, reliable, training and advice? How can we promote a service structure which meets the needs of SI children and families across the UK?
Workforce Development Service Structures Training needs - Your views would be helpful -