Canadian Pipeline Proposal By:Adam,Aleena,Sahar,Waqas,Zoey
Why do we need the pipeline? We need the pipelines and pipeline expansions to provide access to new markets/growing supply. Since the human population is growing fast.
What is the Canadian pipeline proposal? The Keystone Pipeline System is an oil system in Canada and The United States,commissioned in 2010.
How long will the pipelines take to be made? They are struggling to build the pipeline because export pipeline have struggled to meet the bar set by government,regulators and public.
ARe they going to build a pipeline or pipelines? Canada is going to build pipelines and pipeline expansions.
What private company are involved? The private company that is involved in the pipeline is called Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA).
Where in Canada is the pipeline going to be built? The pipeline would begin in Hardisty,Alta,(southeast of Edmonton and about 100 kilometers from the Saskatchewan border).
When is the pipeline going to be built? Pipelines are already built.They don’t know if they are going to build more.
How long does it take to accept or decline the pipeline proposal? A number of pipelines project are being proposed which means the proposals will take a long time to get accepted or declined.
Is any other country involved in the discussions? United States of America is the only other country that involved in the Canadian pipelines.
What substances are they going to transport through the pipelines? Products transport include natural gas liquids,crude oil,gasoline,diesel fuel,anhydrous ammonia,carbon dioxide,jet fuel and other commodities.
Additional Questions -At this moment are there any pipelines being built? -How long are the pipelines going to be? -Is America going to have more pipelines the Canada? -What are the struggles of building a pipeline? -How much does the pipeline process cost? -Is Canada going to build more pipelines?
Additional Questions -What new markets does Canada have access to? -What machines do they use to build the pipelines? -How do you know the pipelines are safe? -What do the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association do?
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