Financial Briefings 2018 Jonathan de Bernhardt Wood Generous Giving Adviser
Parish Giving Scheme Update 140 churches registered, 140 enquiries Bracknell “best in class” Donations c. 50% higher 90+ talks and sermons so far Deanery Synod Tour ends Jan 2019 Online platform by Jan 2019 Should have more churches than any other diocese within 2 years of launch
Mark Abrey, Rector of the Chase Benefice “We launched the Parish Giving Scheme as part of a recent Stewardship Campaign. So far - four months later - we have seen an amazing increase of over 50% on pledged giving for the coming year. We are delighted with the scheme and commend it to other parishes.” Mark Abrey, Rector of the Chase Benefice 3
Contactless Donations 5
Sacrificial Generosity Generosity Fika Generosity in Poverty Biblical Generosity Sacrificial Generosity Generosity in Crisis Generosity Webs …. and cake 7
“inspiring, though-provoking and enjoyable all rolled into one” Generosity Fika “inspiring, though-provoking and enjoyable all rolled into one” “interesting, challenging and engaging” “generosity is a lemon drizzle cake” “inspiring… bringing to light the divine wisdom of generosity” “everyone should do a Generosity Fika” 8
Generous Giving Resources Parish Giving Scheme Contactless Donations Living Generously Case Studies & Connections Giving Checklist Consultancy & Trustfunding Training and Conferences
Financial Briefings 2018 Jonathan de Bernhardt Wood Generous Giving Adviser