Things we will do today: Class Evaluation (20 minutes) Next Tuesday (10 minutes) Paragraph #2 (The rest of the class)
For Tuesday’s class We are not meeting as a class next Tuesday. However, you are required to do the following:
Notes for the Reviewer Clean up (revise) your 1st draft and type up a second draft of your paragraph. Exchange via email draft #2 with another person in class. In the body of the email, type up the writing prompt, your imaginary audience, and the purpose of your writing. Upload to your computer the sheet entitled Peer Review Form that you will find on the website under Handout. Upload to your computer your classmate’s paragraph. Provide your classmate with feedback on his/her paragraph by answering all the questions on the Peer Review Form and providing comments on the paragraph itself. (Typed, Not handwritten) Email your classmate with the P.R.F. as well as the paragraph with your comments, and please DO NOT forget to CC me. This is revising, so please Do NOT correct any grammar. Focus only on the strength of ideas, coherence, cohesion, development, unity, sentence fluency, audience, and voice.
Notes for the Writer Print out PRF and draft #2 with any comments you received from your classmate. Make the necessary changes to your writing as suggested by your classmate. Bring 2 revised copies of your paragraph (draft#3) to Thursday’s class.