Presbytery of New Brunswick Plan of Presbytery Organizational Chart Executive Director Stewardship of Property Committee - 4 Executive Office Manager Treasurer COM - 12 Stated Clerk Trustees - 5 Moderated by vice moderator Personnel Committee - 4 Presbytery gathered - moderated by current moderator Permanent Judicial Commission (6) Central Leadership Team - moderated by former moderator 3 TE (with one specialized) 2 RE Nominating Committee - 3 Committee on Representation -3 Synod (5) and General Assembly (5) Commissioners CPM - 16 Notes: Red: standing committees, filled by nominating Yellow: staff and treasurer Black: presby gathered Grant committee: to give money for the funds we have available, to direct churches to other available funds, to work with churches to get larger grants for initiatives in presbytery - 3 Moderators: 3 year term Vice moderator moderates trustees Moderator: primary charge of putting meetings together, working with both groups Former: moderates central leadership In this plan, the central leadership team remains connected to each of the standing committees. The old plan of presbytery had 13 standing committees plus commissioners which required 154 volunteers. Other working groups Minimum 2TE, 2RE For example, social witness working group, equipping saints working group This plan has 11 standing committees plus commissioners and requires 71 volunteers. There are two new standing committees (stewardship of property and grant) that have been specifically created to help us serve our congregations as they grow into future opportunities.