Chapter 12 The Industrial Revolution Vocabulary
Industrial Revolution Change in American society in the late 1700’s-early 1800’s that focused on new ways to produce goods
Spinning Jenney Machine invented by James Hargreaves in 1764 that could spin several threads at once
Cotton Gin Machine invented by Eli Whitney that could clean seeds from cotton 50x faster than by hand
Capitalist A person who invests in a business to make a profit
Factory System System that brought workers and machines together in once place to produce goods
Interchangeable Parts Identical machine made parts for a tool or instrument
Mass Production The rapid production of large numbers of identical objects
Lowell Girls Girls from Massachusetts farms hired to work in the Lowell textile factories
Urbanization Movement of the population from farms to cities
Turnpike A road built by a private company that charges a toll to use it
Corduroy Road Roads made out of split logs
Canal An artificial channel filled with water to allow boats to cross a stretch of land
Erie Canal A canal built in New York in 1825 that linked the Great Lakes with the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers