Higher Modern Languages
Course Content external Paper One Reading ( 20 marks ) Translation ( 10 marks ) Directed Writing ( 15 marks ) 1 hour 40 minutes Paper Two Listening ( 20 marks ) Personal Essay ( 10 marks ) 1 hour A dictionary is allowed in both papers
course content internal Speaking Presentation ( 10 marks ) Discussion ( 15 marks ) 6-10 minutes, taped Total marks for all exams = 100, 1 mark = 1 %
NABs Reading and Listening Based on the 3 Higher themes of Lifestyles, Education and Work, the Wider World Pass mark is 60% Both may be sat up to a maximum of 3 times Dictionaries are allowed Writing Personal response essay to a film or book Pass at Good or Very Good category Speaking Dual purpose with External Exam
Home study : grammar What should be given priority ? Knowledge of verbs is crucial Past, present and to a lesser extent future Why ? Pass or fail in Writing is dependent on correct use of verbs How should grammar be studied ? Learn all grammar notes thoroughly and complete all exercises set
Home study : vocabulary What should be given priority ? All specialised topic vocabulary eg. health Introductory, time and opinion phrases Linking words, constructions, conclusions Why ? All four skills are dependent on such knowledge Ultimate mark in Writing determined by quality and range of vocabulary How should vocabulary be studied ? Keep everything up to date under different categories Aim for 90% at tests
Home study : essay writing What should be done to improve personal essay writing ? Apply grammar meticulously Employ a wide range of vocabulary and structures Apply success criteria Make use of support material : general essay terms plus topic specific sheets Make use of sample essays – these will be issued and discussed. Re-draft at all times Be able to back up thoughts and opinions on issues
Home study : speaking What should be done to achieve well at Speaking ? Keep all end of topic questions up to date Re-draft all corrected versions on to question and answer cards Record answers at home Why is Speaking so important ? Excellent means of achieving good marks 10% of overall grade is awarded for Presentation which can be prepared in advance Remaining 15% is awarded for Discussion which will be based on work covered in class
Home study : listening/reading What should be done to improve Listening ? Use Higher CD for extra practice at home email addresses please Use Higher CD to consolidate class work Make use of Scholar programme Use recommended Internet sources What should be done to improve Reading ? Make use of Advice Notes Use Extra Practice booklet