Fig. 5 Early and modest immune response at day 3 after exposure in Delayed animals. Early and modest immune response at day 3 after exposure in Delayed animals. Analysis of the NanoString samples with only the genes identified as being up-regulated at an early time point (day 3 after exposure, Delayed). (A) MA plot of the 178 up-regulated genes at day 3 after exposure in Delayed animals. Each point represents a gene. The x axis is the log2 of the base mean counts, and the y axis is the log2 fold change relative to day 0. (B) MA plot for the same genes at day 6 after exposure. (C) Principal components analysis (PCA) of the 178 up-regulated genes across all samples. K-means clustering was performed on all principal components with k = 3 to determine the clustering. The PCA plot is showing the first two principal components. The colors represent the different clusters. Emily Speranza et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaaq1016 Published by AAAS