NPHS 1510 Federal and International Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Key Resources
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Directorate of Intelligence National Clandestine Service Directorate of Science & Technology Directorate of Support
Directorate of Intelligence Anticipate and quickly assess rapidly evolving international developments Impact, both positive and negative, on US policy concerns President’s Daily Brief World Intelligence Review (WIRe) Analysis of intelligence on overseas developments feeds into the informed decisions by policymakers and other senior decision makers in the national security and defense arenas.
National Clandestine Service Clandestine collection of human intelligence (HUMINT) Covert Action
Directorate of Science & Technology Create, adapt, develop, and operate technical collection systems Apply enabling technologies to the collection, processing, and analysis of information
Directorate of Support Ongoing support for each mission component At the end of the operation, we ensure that people and equipment get out safely